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During a cross-country lecture tour, notoriously acerbic radio personality Sheridan Whiteside slips on the icy steps of the house of the Stanleys, a prominent Ohio family, and is forced to recuperate in their home during the Christmas holidays. The overbearing, self-centered celebrity soon comes to dominate the lives of the residents and everyone else who enters the household. He encourages young adults Richard and June Stanley to pursue their dreams, much to the dismay of their conventional father Ernest.  Meanwhile, Whiteside's spinster assistant Maggie Cutler finds herself attracted to local newspaperman Bert Jefferson. When she reads Bert's play, she is so impressed she asks Whiteside to show it to his contacts, and then announces she will quit his employment and marry Bert. However, her boss is loath to lose such an efficient aide and does his best to sabotage the blossoming romance...
天气预报员 The Weather Man[电影解说]
戴维(尼古拉斯·凯奇 饰)是名天气预报员,可是他没有专业知识能用在工作上,当预报的天气并不理想时,观众们会在街上肆意向他丢垃圾。戴维对自己的生活感到灰暗,与妻子(霍普·戴维斯 饰)离婚更是对他的一个打击。如今他得到一个前往纽约重新工作的机会,可是他必须要面对与孩子们并不融洽的关系。儿子迈克被戒毒时认识的辅导员性骚扰;女儿雪丽的肥胖被学校的同学耻笑,性格忧郁。更令戴维伤心的是,他的小说家父亲罗伯特(迈克尔·凯恩 饰)患上了绝症。 戴维希望父亲能看到他的成功,他更想与前妻复合,一家人到纽约重新生活。无论做了多大的努力,他与家人的关系并没得到和缓,他依然遭到观众的垃圾袭击,他更开始抗拒前往纽约。 此时他看到父亲平静面对死亡的态度,并在与父亲相处的最后时光中,戴维被授予了很多人生的道理。
Anna is stuck she's approaching 30, living like a hermit in her mum's garden shed and wondering why the suffragettes ever bothered. She spends her days making videos using her thumbs as actors - thumbs that bicker about things like whether Yogi Bear is a moral or existential nihilist. But Anna doesn't show these videos to anyone and no one knows what they are for. A week before her birthday her Mum serves her an ultimatum - she needs to move out of the shed, get a haircut that doesn't put her gender in question and stop dressing like a homeless teenager. Naturally, Anna tells her Mum to back the f-off. However, when her school friend comes to visit, Anna's self-imposed isolation becomes impossible to maintain. Soon she is entangled with a troubled eight year old boy obsessed with Westerns, and the local estate agent whose awkward interpersonal skills continually undermine his attempts to seduce her.
故事紧接上一季结尾:夏威夷州长遭谋杀后,Steve McGarrett成了头号嫌疑人,被临时羁押在监狱里等候出庭受审。Danny突然带着能够洗清他罪名的证据前来探监。与此同时,Kono遭到停职检查的处分,内务调查部派人对她展开全面调查。Terry O'Quinn在本集中扮演McGarrett在海豹突击队受训时的指挥官Joe White;Richard T. Jones扮演新任夏威夷州长Sam Denning;William Sadler再次扮演McGarrett的父亲John McGarrett。
《闪灵》续集《睡眠医师》(Doctor Sleep)北美定档2020年1月24日,依然根据斯蒂芬·金的同名小说改编,迈克·弗拉纳甘(《杰罗德游戏》《死亡占卜2》《梦醒之前》)执导。本片聚焦闪灵里的儿子Danny Torrance,经历了Overlook Hotel里可怕的童年时光后,他已经流浪了几十年,渴望摆脱父亲的绝望、酒精、暴力等特质,最终定居在新罕布什尔州的一个小镇上,这是一个支持他的AA制社区,他在一家养老院找到工作,在那里他残余的“闪灵”之力为垂死之人提供了至关重要的最终安慰。在一只有预知能力的猫的帮助下,他成为了“睡眠医师”。2001年女婴Abra Stone诞生,她逐渐开始展现超自然之力,似乎预测到了911事件。她缓慢而无意地与Danny建立起心灵感应的纽带,随着她的成长,力量也比Danny的更加强大,Danny被重新激起他心中的恶魔,并召唤他为Abra的灵魂和生存战斗。  弗拉纳甘重写剧本,此前由Akiva Goldsman改编。
在第二季中,随着她的节目播出,以及出现了这样一个当时几乎闻所未闻的每周烹饪节目,茱莉娅(莎拉·兰卡夏尔 Sarah Lancashire 饰)努力应对自己日益上升的名誉和声望。为《法兰西厨师》第二季做准备的同时,茱莉娅在法国度过一段她非常需要的时光,随后她拜访了法国南部、美国华盛顿和波士顿的一系列著名餐厅与厨师。茱莉娅跟她的团队带头制作着由女性主导的公共电视节目,而在这样的过程中,也反映出了普遍存在于当今社会中的问题。                                                                    前3集的故事发生在法国的蓝色海岸和巴黎,剧组为此在去年夏季前往普罗旺斯、尼斯、戛纳、昂蒂布和巴黎等地进行了外景拍摄。
1938年,犯人亨利(Kevin Bacon 饰)试图从著名的阿尔卡特兹监狱逃出,但最终失败。典狱长格伦对威胁自己地位的亨利恨之入骨,将其抛入封闭的地牢中长达三年,期间伴有不计其数的殴打行为。亨利终于得以离开地牢,但他所做的第一件事是用勺子杀死背叛自己的犯人,于是被控一级谋杀。  刚离开校门的律师詹姆斯(Christian Slater 饰)受命为亨利辩护,长年的折磨让后者几乎丧失沟通能力,詹姆斯不放弃任何机会,逐渐拉近了两人的距离。初次开庭,詹姆斯将矛头对准非人道的狱方,引发媒体关注,也招惹来各方阻碍,女友与亲兄在压力下先后背离他而去。詹姆斯唯一仰仗的只剩下对正义的执着,但最后关头,亨利却表示自己宁愿被判死……