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98岁的陈玉平(Grace Lee Boggs)是一位生活在底特律的作家、倡权者和哲学家。这是一部关于她的思想、倡权行动和生活的纪录片《美国革命:陈玉平的演进》(American Revolutionary The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs)。  陈玉平出生于1915年,父母是移民,经营中餐馆。陈玉平从小生活舒适,但感到社会需要变革。她毕业于伯纳德学院,后在布林莫尔学院攻读哲学,1940年获得博士学位。由于少数族裔在当时美国社会的境遇,毕业后,她在芝加哥大学的哲学图书馆谋得一份低薪工作。她在租住的地区无意中见到非裔市民抗议,从此关注和参与非裔美国人争取平等权利的民权运动。  后来,她到有大量汽车工人的底特律,和汽车制造工人和工人权益倡权人士James Boggs结婚。陈玉平和新婚丈夫度蜜月时,不得不在车里过夜,因为当时的种族隔离法令她的非裔新婚丈夫无法入住汽车旅馆。她成了非裔社区的一分子,参与当地的民权运动。  陈玉平的思想深受黑格尔的辩证法和马克思的社会发展理论的影响。她的思想不断地演变,如今,她倡导非暴力,在家门口的草坪上放着“不要战争”的牌子。她认为,不应该将希望寄托在领导人身上,变化应该从自身开始。年届高龄,她还组织“底特律暑假” 和“社区花园”项目,在一个衰落的城市里致力于社区的重建。
After committing a series of multiple murders, a neurologist visits an incarcerated killer, living in exile. She studies him and his brain and discovers the horror that lurks behind his violent impulses.
性情温顺的眼科医生善彩(金惠秀)发现丈夫与人偷情,忍泪带着女儿太秀(朴妍儿)离开家住进一间破旧的房子,并租下一处地方欲开私人诊所。温柔开朗的大男孩仁哲(金宋苏)是她雇请的室内设计师,两人短暂接触生出感情。  善彩的人生看似要得以改变,但一切不过是她刻意经营的假像,这假像又因一双被她偶然拾于地铁的被诅咒的粉红色高跟鞋更加扑朔迷离:学跳芭蕾的太秀也被高跟鞋深深吸引,母女争鞋时几乎成敌人;仁哲真心待她,却从没注意到两人温存时她那可怕的眼神。善彩已将高跟鞋视作她所执导、参演的人生大戏的一个重要道具。
A couple of Australians introduce three American backpackers to the local legend of Lemon Tree Passage where a ghost of a motorcyclist warns young drivers to slow down. After seeing the ghost first hand they uncover a malevolent force that posses the area and threatens to wreak havoc on the final days of their vacation. Isolated and ten thousand miles from home, the tourists find themselves caught in the clutches of an evil force much more heinous than the local myth believed.
Marg Duffield (Lee Remick) is the Maine wife of Al (Joseph Sommer) whose daughter Peg (Marlee Matlin) is deaf. Peg's husband is killed in a car accident on the way to visit the Maine house, and the Duffield's take in Peg's six year old daughter, Lisa, while Peg recovers. Since Lisa is a speaking child, Marg thinks of her the way she wanted Peg to be, and seeks guardian custody.  Remick's role is secondary to Matlin's, though she is presented as a tragic figure, particularly as Al refuses to help her plan to gain Lisa. Peg's deafness is said to be from a childhood case of spinal meningitis, and the teleplay by Louisa Burns-Bisogno, with story by Louisa and Tom Bisogno, reduces Remick to a textbook mother who is self-hating from guilt and therefore cannot love her own daughter. In a memorable scene, Peg angrily signs her exit to Marg, since Marg has refused to learn sign language, though Peg has learned to speak for her mother.  The treatment uses the Tennesee Williams play, The Glass Menagerie, for therapy, to help Peg overcome her grief and also Marg `lose her unicorn horn' and embrace her daughter. Whilst Peg choosing to act in this play may seem an odd choice for someone grieving, what is more noticable is that Matlin is far too more glamourous to be believable as Laura. The Bisogno's include Michael O'Keefe as Dan, Peg's deceased husband's best friend and director of Actors Theatre for the Deaf, to offer Peg a new romantic interest, and thankfully she rebukes his protestations of love. Although his opinion may be influenced by his `crush', Dan tells Peg that being different is better than being normal, since the normal ones are as `common as weeds'. This philosophy reads as rather Nietzschean, on the level of artists not being restricted to the common moral code.  Director Karen Arthur either has those signing also speaking or those signing being translated for the audience, though in one scene the sound of lapping waves drowns out the dialogue between Dan and Peg. She also gives Matlin some good moments, one being her scream of horror when she hears the news of the death of her husband, and another when she chases Remick down a flight of steps, hitting her.
博士查理(大卫•休默 David Schwimmer 饰)最近遇到了麻烦。不仅丢掉了大学里的工作,自己写的书也出版无望。为了不成为家里的负担,查理找到了份电话销售的工作,在那里认识了自来熟的同事加斯(西蒙•佩吉 Simon Pegg 饰)。加斯告诉了查理他的计划,即敲诈一位经常浏览色情网站的牧师。为了让家人过上富足的生活,查理答应加入,再加上加斯一夜情的女友朱茜(爱丽丝•伊芙 Alice Eve 饰),三人开始了这个计划。  看似简单的计划,却弄巧成拙的愈发偏离最初的目的。越来越多的人被卷进其中,事情越弄越大。而且,糟糕的是,查理发现加斯和朱茜的背后似乎掩藏着不可告人的秘密,危险也在逐步逼近查理,究竟结局会怎样……
暑假来临,大学新生刘易斯·托马斯(保罗·沃克尔 Paul Walker 饰)决定穿州过省,前往新泽西去看望他自高中时代便喜欢的女孩维娜·威尔柯斯(Leelee Sobieski 饰)。为了打发旅途上的无聊时光,他将正因酒后驾车蹲局子的老哥富勒(史蒂夫·赞恩 Steve Zahn 饰)保释出来,兄弟俩一路通行。  旅途中,富勒买了一部车载对讲机,与其他的司机扯皮聊天。期间他们搭上一个绰号“锈钉”的卡车司机,富勒突发奇想,怂恿弟弟假扮女人用对讲机勾引锈钉。对他们来说,这似乎是旅途中一个无伤大雅、转眼就忘的玩笑。没想到他们却惹上了这个难缠和恐怖的家伙。在接下来的时间里,锈钉成为刘易斯、富勒和维娜难以摆脱的噩梦……