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宝莱坞暑假最新强档动作片《劫机事件》(Hijack)是库纳勒-什达萨尼(Kunal Shivdasani)首次执导的电影,由 Shiney Ahuja,伊莎·多尔(Esha Deol),Mona Ambegaonkar 及 Kaveri Jha 担纲演出,并在 Eros international 旗下和 Aliya Motion magic 联合发行。正如片名所示,电影讲述一个被恐部分子劫机的事件,并深刻描绘出一个父亲为了救出他的女儿所作的牺牲。
For years, Martin has been working on his great play about cloud castles, flying pirates and a feisty princess. His secret role model for the leading character is his good friend Isabel, a cheeky young woman who is waging war on genetically modified seeds around the world. And she is leaving tomorrow to go to the middle of Africa for the next three years. Low and behold, Martin confesses his love to her at the departure desk. A confession which would have meant the world to Isabel some time ago, but now comes too late to change things. But then the flight is delayed for several hours. Isabel takes off into the city to talk to Martin, but he has disappeared...
从郊区的家里被送去汽车修理店工作后,一名年轻男孩的生活有所改变,直到一次契机迫使他做出艰难抉择。故事围绕来自郊区中产阶级的11岁男孩庞米尔(托尼·阿弗拉扬饰)展开,他整天在机械作坊当卑微的学徒,以便从不同的角度看待和审视生活。当他的父亲来接他回家时,庞米尔必须做出决定,是要重返学校还是长期接受全职学徒。[8]《小机械师》是由Afolayan Kunle执导,Femi Adebayo、Halimat Adegbola主演的一部电影。《莫卡利克》讲述了来自中产阶级郊区的 11 岁男孩庞米尔 (Ponmile) 的职业生涯,他白天在机械车间当卑微的学徒,以便从轨道的另一边观察生活。父亲来接他回家;庞米尔必须做出决定,是想重返学校还是全职接受学徒生涯。
Rainbow is an uplifting, enchanting, magical fable set in Rajasthan that reinforces the belief that life is beautiful. The story revolves around the wonderful relationship between a 10-year old girl Sakina and Chotu, her 8-year old brother who live in a picturesque village nestled among the sand dunes. Having lost their parents to an accident at a very early age, they live with their uncle and aunt. Chotu is blind but he is anything but sad. Happy, precocious and a smart ass, he is the life of the village.Sakina is his eyes, his guide and his best friend. And Chotu is the center of Sakina's universe. As children sometimes do, not truly understanding the consequences, Sakina has promised Chotu that he will be able to see by the time he turns 9 and as always, Chotu believes her unconditionally. On their weekly trip to the neighboring village to see a movie, Sakina sees a poster with Sharukh Khan (SRK) appealing to people to donate their eyes. Sakinais convinced that her reel life hero ... Written by Nagesh Kukunoor
《Citation》是一部 2020 年尼日利亚 电影,由Kunle Afolayan执导, Tunde Babalola编剧,吉米·让、 Temi Otedola、 Bukunmi Oluwashina、 Gabriel Afolayan等主演。[1] [2]这部电影讲述了一名大学生在一名大学教授试图强奸她后发声,以及大学机构对这一指控的反应。这部电影大体上是根据真实事件改编的。尼日利亚一名聪明的学生举报了一名试图强奸她的受欢迎的教授,她向学术界发起了挑战。根据真实事件改编。女性在工作场所或其他机构面临的性骚扰最近引起了公众的关注。这一事业已被很好地改编成电影和文学。#MeToo 事件为许多人铺平了道路,并给了他们勇气,讲述他们曾经被压制的、闻所未闻的故事。2020年,很多这样必要的故事被搬上银幕,我个人最喜欢的是《助理》,它对职场性骚扰事件进行了微妙的描绘。Netflix 的《电影引用》描绘了同样的邪恶,但发生在学术机构中。《引文》的第一个场景,毫不浪费片刻就确定了影片的主题。它描绘了一个年轻女孩与她的教授交谈,恳求他不要降低她的成绩。作为对教授的回报,教授希望女孩去当地的一家旅馆拜访他。然而,女孩给酒店房间里的朋友打电话,并记录了教授试图逃跑的情况。在追逃过程中,教授来到一辆汽车前面并被杀。这位年轻女孩和她的朋友们被大学陪审团传唤,并立即归乡,因为他们的不守规矩的行为导致了生命的损失。这个特定的序列与情节没有直接关系,但它强调了故事的主题。两年后,一名新的研究生莫雷米(Moremi)报告了针对最近加入该大学的高产教授 Lucien N'Dyare 教授的类似案件。卢西安 (Lucien) 在他的职业生涯中拥有良好的地位,有着出色的工作经历。在最终选择教学作为他的主要职业之前,他甚至曾在联合国工作过。当莫雷米对卢西恩提出内部投诉时,没有人真正想听她的辩护,每个人都很快做出判断。就连她的朋友也认为莫雷米努力取得好成绩并成为众人瞩目的焦点,但莫雷米并不想成为这一事业的海报女郎。她只是想向世界证明,无论怪物多么闪亮,都不能让他们成为天使。
Nothing really looks what it really is when you look from a distance and so is Jinwoo’s quiet life, far from the hectic, stressful city life, tucked away in the beauty of the Korean countryside, welcomed with open arms by a loving new “family” that has accepted, on their sheep ranch, him and Seol, his wonderful niece who he loves as if she were his own daughter.  But when Park Kun-young's careful and precise direction begins to focus on the details of Jinwoo's existence, slowly revealing his restless soul, we gradually discover the complexity of the reasons that led to Jinwoo's extreme choice to retire in the countryside to live like a shepherd.  The arrival at the ranch of Jinwoo’s longtime male friend from university, Hyunmin, upsets all balance. Moonkyeong, the ranch owner’s daughter, who has a crush on Jinwoo, accidentally discover the two men in bed and shortly afterwards Jinwoo’s twin sister, and Seol’s birth mother, shows up at the ranch after years of absence and silence and wants to take her daughter back to Seoul.  The community of that small country place, which seemed kind and nice, slowly reveals their true colours and deep disapproval of the two men's relationship. The fragile sandcastle of happiness that Jinwoo has struggled to build is crumbling and the cold, harsh winter is upon him.  Giovanna Fulvi
苏尼(沙鲁克·汗 Shah Rukh Khan 饰)出生在一个典型的中产阶级家庭之中,他的父亲威亚克(Anjaan Srivastav 饰)在儿子的身上给予了很大的期望,然而,苏尼的志向却并不在读书挣钱,从小就喜欢音乐的他渴望成为一名歌手,并且真的加入了一支乐队之中,开始了他的逐梦之旅。  苏尼喜欢一个名叫安娜(苏奇拉·克里希那穆提 Suchitra Krishnamoorthi 饰)的女孩,遗憾的是,苏尼并不是安娜的菜,安娜早已经心有所属,爱上了苏尼的朋友克里斯(迪帕克·提卓瑞 Deepak Tijori 饰),可即便如此,苏尼也没有放弃过对安娜的追求,甚至为此闹出了不少的笑话。