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Orhan who lived in London for years and did not come back to Turkey agrees to help Deniz -a famous director- edit his first book. Deniz has been living in a mansion with his family which started to lose its old brightness and power. Orhan finds himself in the middle of Deniz's complicated relationships, mysterious friends and stange family members. This is the first movie of Ferzan Ozpetek which is shot in Turkey after a long time. It is also based on his own book which has the same name with the movie.
我的父亲,我的儿子 Babam ve Oğlum[电影解说]
无政府主义记者Sadik(菲克雷特·库斯坎 Fikret Kuskan 饰)在一次军事政变当天,因为无法把临盆妻子及时送去医院而导致妻子失血过多去世。儿子Deniz刚出生他就被送进了监狱受尽了折磨。出狱后的Sadik新生活没过多久,为了儿子他带着一个秘密回到了早已断绝关系的父母家。父亲Huseyin(Çetin Tekindor 饰)因为Sadik当年没有听自己的话学习农业而无法原谅他。母亲竭尽全力修复着父子俩的关系。就在一家人逐渐磨合快要看到曙光的时候,Sadik的秘密像道晴天霹雳再次打翻了宁静的生活。