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BBC One today announces that Sir David Attenborough is to present A Perfect Planet, a brand new five-part natural history super-landmark from Silverback Films.David Attenborough said Oceans, sunlight, weather and volcanoes - together these powerful yet fragile forces allow life to flourish in astonishing diversity. They make Earth truly unique - a perfect planet. Our planet is one in a billion, a world teeming with life. But now, a new dominant force is changing the face of Earth humans. To preserve our perfect planet we must ensure we become a force for good.Charlotte Moore, Director of Content, says BBC One continues to lead the way in natural history programming, and I’m thrilled that Sir David Attenborough will be our trusted guide to A Perfect Planet. It will be a breathtaking series celebrating the intricate systems that allow our planet to thrive, bringing together a unique perspective with groundbreaking camera technology.Nancy Daniels, Chief Brand Officer, Discovery, says We at Discovery are proud to be a part of A Perfect Planet. With Sir David Attenborough leading the journey, audiences will be in awe of our world and the perfect conditions that created it, and will be reminded what we need to do to preserve it.Planet Earth is perfect. It orbits at the perfect distance from the sun; it tilts at just the right angle and has a decent sized moon to hold it in place. On top of that, the day-to-day workings of the planet naturally serve to nurture animals and plants. For instance, a global weather system circulates and distributes fresh water to all corners, and a cycle of marine currents delivers nutrients to even the deepest reaches of the ocean. As a result, there is literally no corner of our planet where life can’t be found.A Perfect Planet - in a unique fusion of blue chip natural history and earth sciences - explains how the living planet operates. This five-part series will show how the forces of nature - weather, ocean currents, solar energy and volcanoes - drive, shape and support Earth’s great diversity of life. In doing so, it will reveal how animals are perfectly adapted to whatever the environment throws at them.From the white wolves of Ellesemere Island to bears in Kamchatka, vampire finches of the Galapagos to golden snub-nosed monkeys of China, the series will combine a global view of the planet from space with intimate animal stories from the most spectacular habitats. From the Indian Monsoon to Hawaiian volcanoes, tidal islands of the Bahamas to the extremes of the Arctic winter, A Perfect Planet will take the audience on a stunning visual journey that will change the way we see our home.The final episode in the series looks at the dramatic impact of the world’s newest global force of nature - humans.A Perfect Planet, a 5x60’ for BBC One, is a Silverback Films Production for BBC and Discovery, co-produced with Tencent Penguin Pictures, ZDF, China Media Group CCTV9, France Televisions and The Open University.The Executive Producer is Alastair Fothergill, and the Series Producer is Huw Cordey. It was commissioned by Charlotte Moore, Director of Content, and Jack Bootle, Head of Commissioning, Natural History and Science. It will tx on BBC One and Discovery later this year.
BBC: 第三次世界大战模拟
BBC Earth星球系列年度巨制《冰冻星球II》(Frozen Planet II) 在第一季播出11年后重磅回归。由大卫·爱登堡爵士(Sir David Attenborough)担纲解说,引领观众前往地球上的极寒之地,在冰原、在极地、在白雪皑皑的高耸山巅,与野生 动物们一同面对极端环境和全球气候变化带来的挑战,见证生命的脆弱与坚毅。  南北两极、白雪覆盖的森林和北方的平原、遥远的山脉,这些地方有着奇妙而多样化的生态系统,似乎尚未受到人类活动的直接影响。在与世隔绝的地方,有着神秘的顶级猎手:狼群在广阔的雪原上狩猎巨大的野牛,虎鲸将追踪猎物的独门秘籍代代相传,行踪诡秘的东北虎在洁白的雪地上悄然走过……《冰冻星球II》记录下了这些神奇动物的隐秘生活,也揭示了迫在眉睫的剧变。
Conservationist Maria Diekmann visits Vietnam, Thailand and China to show how unusual scaly mammals called pangolins have become one of the most poached and illegally trafficked animal species in the world.  环境保护者玛丽亚·迪克曼访问了越南、泰国和中国,展示了被称为穿山甲的不寻常的鳞片哺乳动物已经成为世界上最被偷猎和非法贩运的动物物种之一
节目是首个通过沉浸式的呈现方式聚焦植物的纪录片,为观众们展示了这个低调秘密、不为人知的植物世界。它们既能与动物形成互惠互利的关系,也可以像我们星球上的任何生物一样具有攻击性、竞争性和戏剧性。为争夺光照、空间、营养和为家族开枝散叶的机会,它们会与竞争对手、动物和元素进行致命的斗争。  本片展示了跨越20多年的新发现,同时揭示了相互紧密联系的植物世界。专业摄像机使我们拥有超越人眼的能力,比以往任何时候都观察的更贴近与深入。  全新的故事,前所未见的动植物行为,令人惊讶的英雄,带你从植物的角度看地球。