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Ginko, the daughter of a poor shoemaker Ginzo, a child was sold to a geisha. From a student she became a real geisha and made her debut under the name of “Peony”. Great anguish caused Ginko molestation host teahouse. In Ginko have a favorite person – doctor Kurisu, but she is forced to leave him and return home in Tokyo. But here, she had all the same poverty. Parents again sell Ginkgo, this time to the north. There she first landlord was going to marry her, but interferes with his mother, who has decided not to allow this marriage, shameful for the honor of the house. He eventually marries another girl. Caught in a quandary, Ginko returns to Tokyo and the third time it becomes a geisha. Hard work, constant bullying Ginko adjusted to the disease. Mistress of her first promises to break a contract in which she serves as Ginko, but when Ginko finally recovers, the owner easily abandons his promises and demands that Ginko continued to work on it.
本片由成濑干雄执导,改编自川端康成的同名小说。讲述了一位经营芭蕾舞学校的中年妇女在与爱上她的丈夫分手后试图开始新生活,但最终又如何回到原来的生活的温馨故事。这是冈田真理子的首次亮相,她很漂亮,已经具备了伟大女演员的个性。《舞女 舞姫》是一部由成濑巳喜男执导的日本剧情电影,于1951年上映。该片的编剧是川端康成,主要演员包括山村聡、高峰三枝子和片山明彦等。影片以日语为语言,制片国家为日本。《舞女 舞姫》讲述了一个关于舞蹈家的故事,描绘了她在剧变的社会背景下的生活和追求艺术梦想的旅程。故事发生在日本的战后时期,社会充满着混乱和不确定性。主人公是一位年轻的舞蹈家,她为了追求舞蹈事业而努力奋斗,同时也面临着生活的压力和困扰。《舞女 舞姫》通过精彩的剧情和真实的人物刻画,展示了主人公在压力和挫折中的成长和坚持。观众们可以感受到她的热情、坚韧和对艺术的热爱。影片还通过对社会背景和文化传统的描绘,展示了日本战后时期社会的复杂性和变革。该片的导演成濑巳喜男以及编剧川端康成都是日本电影界的重要人物。他们通过细腻的叙事和独特的视角,打造了一个令人难忘的故事世界。影片不仅在日本国内获得了广泛赞誉,也在国际上引起了关注。总而言之,《舞女 舞姫》是一部经典的日本剧情电影,以其深入的情感和精致的艺术表现,打动了观众的心灵。它向观众展示了一个女性艺术家在逆境中奋斗的故事,同时也反映了日本社会在战后时期的变革和文化传统的价值。这部电影是对人性和艺术的深刻思考,也是对观众心灵的一次触动。
A ship carrying a band of black-marketeers, including a beautiful woman, eludes police after a battle at sea and lands on a remote island where a marine meteorological observatory is stationed. They take over the observatory but tragedy ensues as a violent typhoon approaches the island.