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《百岁老人跷家去》是由Felix Herngren执导的冒险喜剧,Robert Gustafsson、Iwar Wiklander、David Wiberg、Mia Skäringer、延斯·赫尔腾等参加演出,影片于2013年12月25日在丹麦上映 [1]  。该片根据同名小说改编,讲述的是迎来百岁寿诞的老人不愿家人为其庆祝,独自离家出走,一路上经历各种冒险,也回忆起自己精彩的人生的故事。2016年,该片获得第88届奥斯卡金像奖提名 。 [2]该片根据同名小说改编,讲述迎来百岁寿诞的老人不愿家人为其庆祝,独自离家出走,一路上经历各种冒险,也回忆起自己精彩的人生(曾与丘吉尔一同散步、与江青一起泛舟)。《百岁老人跷家去》是根据同名小说改编的电影,讲述迎来百岁寿诞的老人不愿家人为其庆祝,独自离家出走,一路上经历各种冒险,也回忆起自己精彩的人生(曾与丘吉尔一同散步、与斯大林一起跳舞)。 一百岁的老人日夜与医院为伴,耐不住寂寞,决定跷家去。没有路费,老人琢磨着手上还有无数银子未花。于是他来到不远处的龙华山脚下,在水滸传里开了一个药铺。药铺细致的服务以及高超的治疗技术让老人名声渐广,越来越多需要救助的人前来求治。在这个过程中,老人收获了生命带给他最丰富和美好的东西——自由、友谊和喜悦。
“Our mission is to protect the world from monsters and monsters from the world. But not to decide who is allowed to exist in the world.”                                                                    Nelly has her own special way of seeing things. Where others are spooked, she remains unfazed. Monsters in the basement One more reason to check the place out! No friends Nelly will cope. Snooping around in Uncle Hannibal’s labyrinthine mansion, Nelly stumbles upon an incredible secret her family has been keeping the peace between humans, zombies, vampires and other gruesome creatures for decades, as members of an international brigade of monster agents. Nelly wants to hunt monsters too, and proceeds to stir up a fair amount of dust. But what if she has been misled about who is actually responsible for fear and scariness                                                                    In this fantasy film, based on Martin Widmark’s book series of the same name, the pressure to conform is revealed as the true source of horror.