搜索"安东尼·阿斯奎斯" ,找到 部影视作品

Returning to 1870's London after finishing at boarding school, Fanny witnesses the death of her father in a fight with Lord Manderstoke. She then finds that her family has for many years been running a bordello next door to their home. When her mother dies shortly after, she next discovers that her real father is in fact a well-respected politician. Meeting him and then falling in love with his young advisor Harry Somerford leads to a life of ups and downs and conflict between the classes. Periodically the scoundrel of a Lord crosses her path, always to tragic effect. Written by Jeremy Perkins {J-26}
哈里斯(迈克尔·雷德格瑞夫 Michael Redgrave 饰)是一位教授古典文学的教师,他温文尔雅极具气质,一生都勤勤恳恳地工作做人。然而,某一日,他竟然遭到了解雇,美其名曰“提前退休”,而他的学生们竟然完全不以为意。与此同时,哈里斯亦发现,自己毕生研究的古典文学,如今毫无价值,而自己则变成了一个无人问津的老古董。  糟糕的不仅仅是这些,哈里斯本以为自己和妻子米莉(简·肯特 Jean Kent 饰)之间的感情十分要好,然而,实际上,米莉早就和一名化学老师暗度陈仓许久,对于这一切,哈里斯竟然一无所知。人至暮年,哈里斯逐渐失去了对于生活的信心和希望,就在这时,他曾经的一名学生送给了他一本勃朗宁翻译的《阿伽门农》,正是这本书帮助哈里斯找回了勇气和自我。
乡绅沃辛(Michael Redgrave 饰)来到伦敦城内拜访阿尔及(Michael Denison 饰),而实际目的是后者的表妹格温多兰,为了便于探望格温多兰,沃辛虚构了一位伦敦的不肖昆仲欧内斯特。阿尔及对沃辛在乡下监护的姑娘西西莉情有独钟,于是出面帮助沃辛向格温多兰求婚,尽管欧内斯特(真诚)这个假名对姑娘有莫名的吸引力,但沃辛的弃儿出身让未来岳母一口回绝。阿尔及在沃辛之前赶到他乡下的住处,装作欧内斯特如愿结识了西西莉,未几沃辛与格温多兰母女先后抵达,虚拟人物“欧内斯特先生”的骗局终被揭穿,两位男士一时手足无措,但突然浮出水面的一段陈年往事,让两对恋人的前途峰回路转。  本片根据王尔德同名作品改编。
Flashback story of an escape from the lonely, high-security Dartmoor Prison. A jealous barber's assistant is enraged by the attentions that his manicurist girlfriend pays to a customer. He threatens the customer with an open razor and lands in gaol.